Monday, August 20, 2007

Week of August 19

Greetings Northview Orchestra Members!

I am creating this blog so that you and your parents can look up your practice assignments every week. I will also post periodic reminders about practice incentives that you can participate in. Need extra credit? You'll also find concerts and events that you can attend to get extra points.

Let's review the PRACTICE CARD POLICY:
1. You must practice a minimum of 4 days a week.

2. You must practice a minimum of 2 hours each week.

2a. This means that most students will practice 30 minutes on 4 different days

3. You must have a parent sign the signature box.

4. Turn in practice card on Monday in the "Practice Card Box."

5. Late practice cards will be accepted on Tuesday only.

6. Students absent at the beginning of the week should turn in the practice card the first day they return.

7. Please use your practice card, but in an emergency, I will accept a piece of paper with the days and times practiced with your parent's signature.


Look for the "Song of the Week" posted on the board at school or on the blog.
Practice this song 5 times on 5 DIFFERENT days. (5x5=25)
On your practice card, mark a little star next to the number of minutes practiced on the days you played the song of the week 5 times.
I will put a sticker next to your name on a chart every week you choose to participate.
When you have 10 stickers, you will choose a full-sized candy bar of your choice! Yum!
You do not have to participate every week.

You practice 100 days in a row, with a 15 minute minimum every day for 100 days. You are not allowed to skip days. If you skip a day, you have to start over on day 1. The reward: All-you-can-eat ice-cream party with your favorite flavors and all the toppings. Delicious!

8th Grade practice assignment - Aug. 19-25
Warm-ups: C major Scale, Green book pg. 18
Mythos - Beginning to 41. Watch for Bb, nut one's, and bowings
Tango - Beginning to 28. Watch for Bb, nut one's, and dynamics
Song of the Week: Tango #1-20

7th Grade practice assignment - Aug 19-25
Warmups: Pages 2-5 in Purple book
Rigaudon - beginning to 26, work a few notes at a time until you get the pattern fast
Andantino - all. Watch for slurs and dynamics

6th Grade practice assignment - Aug 19-25
Bowhold on pencil
Instrument set-up
Practice musical ABC's forward and back