Friday, February 4, 2011


Solo and Ensemble is still happening at Westfield on Saturday. Students who left instruments at school may pick them up today. Mrs. Levenhagen is working today and can open Door 1 for you and summon a custodian to open the Orchestra room door. I will be at school between 2-3:15 as well. My apologies for unanswered emails. My school account only sends blank emails from home...

On Saturday: Make sure to arrive 30 minutes prior to your performance time. Meet me, Ms. Bell and your group in the warm-up room. You will report to the performance room 5-10 minutes before you play to check in with the door monitor. Soloists, I have your judge's copies of your scores. You cannot play for the judge without them. Please make sure to see me or Ms. Bell before you play, otherwise you will receive a lower rating. Can't wait to see all of you tomorrow!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


As of the time of this posting, Solo & Ensemble is still going to happen on Saturday at Westfield Middle School. I will post updates here as I receive them. I will post further information about when students who forgot their instruments can pick them up tomorrow, Friday, February 4. At the latest, the next post will be up at 9:00 AM Friday morning. Hope everyone had a restful week!