Sunday, June 6, 2010

Thank you for a great year!

Thank you for a great year this year. A big thanks to the 8th graders for your thoughtful bouquet (see picture) and your "dropped instrument payment" of many more candy bars than I could ever eat! Come back and visit; surely there will be some left over!

I will checking my school email weekly over the summer if you have any questions or need your instrument tuned.

And don't forget: SUMMER ORCHESTRA AT NCHS is right around the corner.

New 9-12th graders: July 12-16, 1-4PM
New 7th and 8th graders: July 19-23, 8-4PM

Let me know via email if you forgot to sign up and would like to join us. We are accepting campers until the first day of camp. See you then!